Arianna 2 days old.
Wow we can't believe out little Arianna is almost 4 months old now!!! The picture above was taken by the hospital when she was only 2 days old. My how she has grown and changed. We'll post more updated pictures once the adoption is completed. Our little girl is now cooing and squeeling with delight when we play with her. She loves when we sing to her and is so alert. Everyone keeps telling us how cute she is (We're proud parents).
We're still waiting for the Nov. 15 court date and we're hoping to finalize the adoption before Christmas. It just seems like such a long wait although we should be used to it we waited 18 years to get to this point so whats another few months. We don't mind we finally have our little girl we've waited so long for :-).
This has been a real busy 4 months, every day with her has been a blessing. We've been to our family reunions, several baby showers. My shop picnic, walks on the beach. Arianna's 1st concert Matty B and the dirty pickles at Sara's by the beach. And so much more I love being a daddy and I love my little girl.
Well time to play with her some more and then feeding and off to bed. We've been soooooo lucky that she sleep through the night for us. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she keeps that up.
Good Night
Brian , Sandy and Arianna
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt