Friday, April 8, 2011

Arianna at 9 months

Wow we can't believe that soon our little girl will be turning 1 year old! Time sure goes by so quickly. Our little girl is now rolling, trying to crawl and sitting up on her own. Today Arianna started clapping her hands together when we sing pattycakes! She's so cute, we get so many comments about what a beautiful daughter we have :-)
Arianna has had quite the social life this past month. Arianna has been to an Erie Otters hockey game and three Erie Bayhawks basketball games. She was sitting center court at one of the games pictured above. Several players came over to play with her in the pregame warm-ups. After the game a few players signing autographs commented seeing her dancing and cheering them on.
We can't wait until summer so we can do all the fun summertime activities with her.

The past 9 months have been the best of our lives and look forward to spending every second we can with Arianna. I love finally being called Daddy :-)


Marianne said...

So happy for you both! Your daughter is beautiful!

dnd82001 said...

Enjoy as it goes by oh so quickly -in a flash!

She is a beauty!
