Today our citizenship form came back Apostilized !! I'll make a copy for our records and then mail it off to the CHI office were it will be sent on the way to Kazakhstan to be added to our dossier.
Speaking of dossier here's the story behind the fortunes above.
1. Courtesy opens my doors.
I mentioned this in one of my older post about the day we went to the police station for fingerprinting. Courtesy and being polite in a chaos filled waiting room got us in the door on a day when fingerprinting normally isn't done.
The other two are from the day (Feb. 19th) we finished our dossier. Sandy and I went out to our FAVORITE CHINESE Restraunt (we love chinese food) to have dinner and celebrate this milestone of our adoption journey. These are the fortunes we found in our fortune cookies. We hope this is a good sign.
I don't know how delightful the journey will be with all of Adoptions ups and downs, but we have already met so many delightful people along the way. I don't know what the journey will hold for us in 2008 but I hope everyones dreams come true.
Those are great fortunes! Any word for when you'll travel? I keep checking in - youve waited very patiently. Hope its soon.
What great fortunes - we had a good one while we were waiting for court. Fortune cookies are great. I hope you guys travel soon!!!!!
Thank you for following our journey and for your comments on our blog. We look forward to following you now!!
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