Sandy and I are 2 weeks away from our 11th wedding anniversery!! Yep Valentines day will be 11 years so I figured since we are all waiting to travel a fun way to pass the time is to have a little guessing game as to where Sandy and I exchanged our vows. I don't mean the city or state that would be to easy it has to be the actual place we were married and believe me it won't be easy to guess.
Sorry this is only for fellow bloggers and those reading along no family and friends who already know the answer that would spoil all the fun
I'll give clues each day and post pictures and our story on Valentines day
Please only 1 guess a day per person
Clue number 1: Not your traditional wedding
Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.
Joseph Addison
Okay here is my guess. YOU two jumped out of an airplane, and thats when you exchanged vows. Hope I didn't spoil the fun!
How fun! Okay I am going to guess that you got married in a hot air balloon.
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