Sunday, June 8, 2008


Our updated FBI clearance arrived on Saturday so we are now set to update our homestudy. We will have to wait until after this next week to set up the homestudy visit as we are planning to take the trip I won last year. Times and dates are still being worked out so we don't know when we'll be traveling.
So I guess we'll have to start a new guessing game as to where we are going.
The 1st clue is it's not McDonalds ;-)

I also want to welcome back Suz and Matt who just returned home from Kazakhstan with a beautiful Daughter and handsome Son. I see I just missed her as I was posting a comment on the WOODS Blog at the same time Suz was leaving a comment on our Blog.
I wish we knew their flight schedule as we would loved to have meet them for a few hours in Philly.
Well that's it for now good luck with the guessing game I'm off to watch my Celtics game.

You will never plough a field if you only turn it over in your mind.
Irish Proverb


lisa said...

Yeah! For some reason I thought you guys were going domestic? I guess we still have a very big country to travel through, so good luck where ever you go!

Aaron and Julie said...

Hmmmmm. I've got to think about this one :)

Thank you for your sweet comment on our blog :)