Friday, July 9, 2010

Baby doing well

Well after wondering what the heck we got ourselves into after spending the 1st night home to a crying screaming baby and 1 hour of sleep, she finally settled down. I don't know how she can sleep and not wake up for anything during the day, but as soon as the lights go out look out!!
Usually we give her last bottle between 10-11PM and she will give us 4-5 hours of sleep. We even had to wake her up once or twice for feedings. I hope this last.
I'll try to post pics as soon as we can. We hear it was hard for them but the birthparents signed off on paperwork and now we wait until Aug 7th. 30 days we'll be on pins and needles hoping they won't change there minds.
Arianna had her 1st Doctors appt today and she's doing great!!1 Upto 7 lbs butdidn't grow yet still 19 and 3/4 inches. Doc will see her again in 7 weeks
Well its 11PM on a friday night and I'm headed to bed, But not until I give Arianna a kiss good night. WE Love her so much. WE spent the 4th of July sitting alone in a hospital room with her and it was the best day of our lives!!! ALL The the fireworks in the world don't compare to her.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments

Brian Sandy and Arianna

Dreams do come true!!1


Von said...

Changing Time zones and trauma and loss of her mother will account for her screaming.

Jeanne said...

Congratulations!!! May your daughter be as much a blessing to you as you are to her.

:-) I'm just a random blogger, don't know you personally, but I'm happy for you all! Enjoy your new adventure!

Aaron and Julie said...

It is definitely an adjustment time for all of you :) Sleep will come (so they tell me). So happy for you & will be praying for 8/7 to come quickly without any detours.

Marianne said...

So happy for you all! Congratulations!