Well baby is asleep and I have some free time to finally post. Well it only took us 18 years of heartbreak, fustration and tears but we finally have our little girl! I posted before this took just 29 days from the time we were 1st asked if we were still interested in adoption until Arianna was born. I just want to say if you want to adopt and are having trouble let people know your trying you NEVER Know what may happen.
It's been over 2 years now that our Kazakhstan Adoption fell through, then our next two Birth mothers both lost the babies due to various reasons. We lost 3 children within 3 months. Sandy and I had all but given up on Adopting, we figured it just wasn't going to ever happen for us and it was the furthest thing from my mind. We had some money from a loan we took out for when we were to adopt from Kaz. I figured I have the money Adoption was out of the picture so I always wanted a motorcycle so I bought myself one. Gee little did I know what 2 people I knew were about to ask me.
I want to respect their privacy so I don't want to go into to much detail. So I will just say there are two sisters (I knew both for years but didn't know they were sisters). both knew what we had gone through over all the years and knew someone that had a child that they want to have adopted. So one day as they were talking about knowing a couple they could ask our name came up and they were both in shock when they found out they were both talking about Sandy and I.
I was asked June 4th and given the birth parents phone # we talked and finally met them 3 weeks ago this past wed.
We chatted for almost 3 hours and really felt a connection with them we really hit it off. Sandy and I were in limbo for almost a week went by without hearing from them.
We wondered if maybe they had 2nd thoughts, didn't they like us what was going on?
Finally on tuesday Sandy called me at work, they had called and wanted us to be the parents!!!!!
We met the Birth mother on Wed. and got to listen to the babies heartbeat see sonogram photos and met her other little daughter (she's a cutie). Thursday we started telling our families what was going on and on Saturday July 3rd we were at my cousins party and had told everyone we had a big announcement to make. WELL at 5 o'clock the BM called and told us she was having pains and was having her friend take her to the hospital but not to worry she didn't think it was anything serious. 1/2 an hour later she called back and told us you better met me there baby is on the way!!!!!!!! Lets just say my brother had to make the announcement for us.
Sandy and I arrived at the front door the same time as the BM and her friend did. We got her in a wheel chair got her inside at 6 PM and at 9:06 PM Arianna was born!!!
Never Never did I ever think I would get to be there for the delivery, hear a babies 1st cry (our baby), get to hear her weight and size and believe me I was in tears the 1st time I got to hold her. She so beautiful!!!!!!
So everything is going well now. Baby sleeps better now at night up maybe once or twice during the night. Shes a great eater and sleeps thru anything nothing wakes Arianna up.
We've been spending the past 3 weeks showing her off :-) Yep I'm a proud daddy.
The 1st day we had Arianna we were walking around Walmart and and some ladies were saying how cute she is. One lady asked how old she is and Sandy told her 4 days old she took 1 look at Sandy and exclaimed "You look great for just having a baby"!!!! :-)
So now I'm the luck guy how gets to walk around with to Beautiful girls.
Everyone has been great to the 3 of us, work gave us a big baby shower and our families are planning Adoption showers after Aug 7th
We have talked with the Birthmother about a week ago and shes so happy for us. Shes such a wonderful woman and we are blessed to have them in our lives.
So thing are going great my life had taken a GREAT big turn for the BETTER!!!
Family reunions coming up lots of family that can't wait to meet her.
Well almost feeding time so I have to go warm up a bottle or her. I'll end here and post more when I get some free time.
Thanks everyone who have been praying for us DREAMS DO COME TRUE!!!!!!
Congratulations! I can't wait to read the next leg of your journey
Oh my goodness I am so so very happy for you both!
Congratulations on your beautiful little daughter!! I have chills as I type this - I have prayed that you would have a child and am so happy - I actually now have tears in my eyes....Congratulations and God Bless your family!!
Very sincerely
I am so happy for you. I have prayed so many times for you guys over the last couple of years. Enjoy your precious baby!!!
I had to wipe a few tears - especially after reading about listening to her heartbeat and being there for the delivery :) Enjoy your precious gift. So happy for you all!!
Has the wait period ended? I remember how nervous I was during that time.
Nice post and cool blog!
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