Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just a Quick post

Wow its been over a MONTH SINCE I'VE POSTED !!! Time sure does fly. Arianna is doing well she's now up to 8lbs 13 oz. and 21 and 1/8 inches and getting bigger every day. We've been to 3 baby showers and now need a Bigger house for everything!!! Everyone has been so great to the 3 of us.
Well the 30 day wait for the termination of the parential rights ended Aug 7th. We are now waiting for our court date to finalize the Adoption. I'm guessing Oct. or Nov. for a court date.
I'll be able to post pictures when the adoption is final, I know many of you have asked to see some. Believe me shes BEAUTIFUL!!!! We're proud parents.
It's taken us 18 YEARS but the wait has been worth it.
I'll post more between the feedings and diaper changes.

Brian, Sandy and Arianna


Josh and Rya said...


McMary said...

I hadn't checkin in on you guys for a long time because I am busier and well--it had been almost a year without posts but I just thought I would see if anything new popped up.
Wow--am I glad I checked back. I can't even begin to say how happy I am for you guys. Your faith and persistence really paid off.
It is just amazing how your dreams came true.
I know you went through a lot of hard times but you had to have a reason to wait for Arianna--and now she is yours.

dnd82001 said...

So happy everyone & everything is in order!!


Anonymous said...
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Aaron and Julie said...

Glad to hear all is going well - thanks for the update. So happy for you!!! Enjoy the moments - they go by quickly!! Can't wait to see her precious face after court!!

The Dusty Attic said...

Oh my what a suprise....I haven't seen your blog in awhile. I am so happy for you guys, no one deserves this more than you guys. Enjoy that new baby girl! I will check back for pics!

Consultants Vietnam said...

Adoption it's a very important proces. i like it..

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I proclivity what you men are inveterately up too. This affable of quick-witted work and reporting! Feed up the great functions guys I' ve added you men to my blogroll, Cheers.

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