I just wanted to do a quick post for everyone.
One week, it's been one week since we got call and news that would forever change our lives. So much has happened this past week and we still don't know were our journey will lead us.
Sandy and I want to thank everyone for all the prayers and support we have recieved over the past week. I'm sorry we haven't responded to each and every E-mail but we have read them ALL and feel truly blessed to have so much recieved so much support and advice.
We have talked with our homestudy caseworker and have gone over all the options as to "where do we go from here?" we will be meeting with a caseworker next Wed. and see if any Adoption programs here in Pennsylvania will work for us.
I have so much more I want to say and will try to post more over the weekend.
We know our daughter is out there somewhere maybe she's much closer than we know.
How long should you try? Until.
Jim Rohn
We are so sorry for your loss. We pray that a new path will open for you and you'll have your daughter home soon.
I'm glad to hear you are moving forward. I read a sign today and thought of you. It read, "Don't put a period where God has placed a comma".
I am so sorry to hear of this. You sound like you are moving forward and I know good things will come to you all. When one door closes another opens. We will be thinking of you all.
The Baker Family - Stephanie and Dusty
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