Friday, June 26, 2009

A New Hope

Wow its been a long time since we've posted!!!
But it has also been a long time since anything have happened adoption related.
We had pretty much had all but given up on adopting until today. Its still a long shot and we have a LONG LONG Ways to go and I'll post more if anything becomes of this.
Keep your fingers crossed and those Prayers coming.

Brian and Sandy

Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.
William Feather


lisa said...

So glad to hear from you guys! I haven't given up either....just resubmitted to a new agency. Hope you have good news soon....hope we all have good news soon!!

The Dusty Attic said...

I am so glad that you posted...I have been checking in to see if anything was going on. Hope that this long shot works out for you guys, it has been a tough road, but just try and stay positive and you will make it through. There is a greater plan for all of us!!

McMary said...

Wow--I just decided to check your blog today "just in case" and my heart is pounding for you.
Never give up!
I am also not giving up--with a new country and new agency now--praying we all have good news soon.

Marcia said...

I'm sending my prayers and best wishes also!!! As others have posted, I have been checking your blog, hoping to see a post with good news, so I'm very glad to hear of this new hope. May it become fulfilled!!
Marcia, happy Mommy to Sara Marina & Kate adopted from Kazakhstan

Aaron and Julie said...

We are still steadfast in prayer for you guys!! Huge hugs!!

PS - I think about you when we head to Coronado :)

McMary said...

still praying--please keep us updated.

Anonymous said...

You guys are truly an inspiration. You bring meaning to this quote I found that helps me get through our own difficulties adopting,
"Faith is when your eyes only see dark, but your heart can still find the light". Anne

Matthew Ruley said...

We're praying for you!

Marcia said...

I've been regularly checking your blog, feeling hopeful that you'll be posting an update with good news soon! I see the change in your Blogger heading "or make that Pennsylvania", so that's a good sign.
I know you'll post whenever you feel it's the right time to share more, but in the meantime please know that I think of you often and that you're in my continuing prayers!
Marcia K.

Jeff Morris said...

Hey guys,

You've been on my mind a lot lately. Know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you both.

Best wishes,


Matthew Ruley said...

I decided to check in on you guys. Just to let you know we think of you ofen.

Michelle and Jeff said...

I am glad to see that the heading of your blog has changed. You both strengthen us so much as we are treading down this long path to our family. your story is often in our thoughts and prayers and I keep watching for a happy ending!

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about you and wondering if there is anything new going on with your adoption?

I have been in the process of trying to adopt for about 22 months now.... what a journey.

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