Sunday, May 18, 2008

Just Updating

The title says it all Sandy and I have just been having paperwork updated. With our 171H expiring in June we had already updated our Child Abuse and Criminal background clearances. Friday we updated our medicals and this week we are getting our FBI fingerprinting done and that is all we need to update our homestudy!! Our caseworker Lisa should only have to do 1 more visit and we will be all set. The house is ready for a little spring cleaning anyways so just a little dusting is really all that is needed. Well that's it for now I'm off to read other blogs, hopefully by the end of the year we will have positive news to Share.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

1 comment:

dnd82001 said...

I'm glad to hear that you are moving along and that no dust is settling on the adoption front.

I don't want to pry but wanted to ask what is the next step for you on the adoption process - has anything been decided?

Thinking of you both and hoping your dreams come true!
