The quote in my last post was taken from the blog of a waiting Vietnam family. Sandy and I just want everyone to know you are in our thoughts and prayers as we have heard Vietnam has closed most all Adoptions.
Three weeks ago today we got the bad news and we were crushed, we didn't know what we would do or if we could even bring ourselves to try once again. We have been trying to have a child for 15 years and honestly were ready to give up. Last thursday we had just about given up and then something happened!! Even though it is still a long way from happening and we have so much to do we have HOPE.
When you are down to nothing
God is up to something
Things happen for a reason so don't ever give up.
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
Dale Carnegie
Today our dossier arrived back to us although it was disheartening something else arrived today. That is the card in the picture above so many people have sent us prayers and support and for Donnie and Misty to take the time and trouble to send this Beautiful card and Well Wishes means so much to us Thank You So So Much.
This is why we carry on and never give up with so much support and prayers we keep on trying and hope one day our story will have a happy ending.
The first and most important step toward success is the feeling that we can succeed.
Nelson Boswell
Thank you for your sweet comments on our blog :)
We wanted to let you guys know that you are still in our daily thoughts & prayers and have our support in your next steps. You have the most grit & determination - and faith that I have seen and it is very inspiring to me. Thank you for sharing all of your quotes & inspirations :)
I am so glad you received a nice card the day your dossier was returned - what a blessing on what was no doubt a hard day. God's timing is everything and he is working in lives all around you. .
Sandy especially, may you have hope and peace this weekend :)
I have to agree with Julie that your determination and faith are truly inspiring. Your ability to continue to support and be genuinely happy for everyone else is also inspiring.
I am so happy that you are feeling hopeful and will continue to pray that you find your family.
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