Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Now to wait

We had a very good day yesterday, well any day you only work a 1/2 day is a good day ;-). We went to our appointment, pretty much an informative meeting and to get needed paperwork started. After our meeting we updated our FBI fingerprints, much different this time. Instead of going to the local police station and mailing in your prints you now register online, make your $40 per person payment then go to the nearest fingerprinting location. It's now much more costly but it was quick and easy and they send the prints via the internet to the FBI. Now we wait 4-6 weeks for our clearances then finish updating our homestudy. So for now we are waiting on others to do paperwork.
We finished up our day by going to the Erie Seawolves Baseball game (Detroit Tigers farm team). there was lots of babies and little children there, we dream of the day we can take our little one to the game. After the game we came home and watched my Boston Celtics win game one against the Detroit Pistons.
It was a very good day for us, we know things are a little ways off but we are doing everything we can to keep things moving along.
Keep on praying for us and we are praying for EVERYONE who is waiting to meet their child.

We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough.
Helen Keller


McMary said...

You guys have the best attitude and determination of anyone I have seen. My prayers are with you.

Tracy said...

I am glad that you all are still open to what ever plan God has for you. Just trust Him. Sometimes it is hard to believe, but there is a wonderful blessing in all of this pain. Keep the faith... I will keep praying.


dnd82001 said...

As always best wishes & prayers are flowing to you both!!


The Dusty Attic said...

I am so glad that you guys have not given up. Please keep posting we love to follow your story. Hopefully soon you will be meeting your daughter.