Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Another Clue

Still no correct guesses as to where Sandy and I were married so here's the next clue.
There wasn't any airplane involved but a JET was a huge part of our wedding.


Aaron and Julie said...

Hey guys,
I'm finally catching up on blogs and find that you have a fun game going on :) I haven't read through all of the comments, but my guess is NASA. Pretty out there :)

Unknown said...

What state do you live in? That might help me a bit. I guessed a baseball game and that wasn't it, so how about football? A Jets game maybe?

okay, on a search for JET i found:
JET is an Australian garage band (married at a concert?)
JET is a geological material not considered a true mineral , but rather a mineraloid derived from decaying wood under extreme pressure (married in the woods?)

since i didn't guess yesterday i made 3 guesses today. oh, and yesterdays post was very cool... all some interesting happenings for sure.

Gretchen said...

A hot tub?

Matthew Ruley said...

Oky we know it didnt happen jumping out of a plane, theres no way you jumped out of a jet!

How's at an airport?