Ok so Sandy and I got engaged so how did we end up having a McDonalds Wedding??? After being engaged we bought a house and extra money for a wedding was scarce. It was about a month before Valentines day when a local radio station JET 102 had a contest called the McWedding of the Century. (that's were the Jet was a part of our wedding). for the contest you had to tell the story of how you "POPPED THE QUESTION" be it romantic, zany etc..The winner would win a wedding at McDonalds live on the radio, Tux, gown, Flowers, DJ, Photographer,Cake, rings, Honeymoon, food all included. All the storys were read over the air and the listeners could vote on which one they thought was best. Well ours was the last one read on the air and then they had the vote, I didn't have time to tell my family or co-workers to call in and vote and well some other lady won :-(.
It was 1 week before the McWedding was to take place (the winner had 2 weeks to get ready) we came home from a night out and found a message on our answering machine from JET 102 Radio station. We were told to call the station right away it was about the wedding. So at 2 in the morning we called the radio station and found out the couple that won the contest had backed out, it seems the guy was married 6-7 times before and they were fighting over a pre-nup! So they wanted to know if we wanted to get married in 6 days, I took one look at Sandy and we both said lets do it!!
So here we were at 5 in the morning calling our parents to tell them the news, the reply was "your getting married where? When ? What time?" McDonalds at 7:30 in the morning in 6 days I guess came as a big shock. So the next 6 days were a whirlwind phoneing family and friends getting fitted for our tuxs and Sandys gown it was a mad rush to get things done. On the eve of our wedding we didn't get home until midnight (last minute gown work needed to be done) we had over 50 messages on the answering machine. My best man Kevin wanted to take me out for a drink, Mom and Dad calling, friends calling and then finally the flower shop calling to say the flowers were ready for us to pick up and that the shop was open to 7:00 PM well it was midnite by the time we got the message OH NO!!!
Needless to say I got NO sleep that night and had to be at McDonalds at 5:00 AM
Kudos to JET 102 station manager when she found out about the flowers she made a mad dash and just happened to luck out and found an employee in the flower shop and got the flowers to McDonalds on time.
Everything was decorated for our wedding, streamers, bells, our cake everything was just perfect. I was on the radio most of the morning taking phone calls answering questions and having so much fun even a local news crew filmed us and had coverage of our McWedding on the News all day.
Well the phone keeps ringing here so I'll have to stop for now and post more about the McWedding tommorow.
P.S. Yes we had a romantic dinner at McDonald's tonite for Valentines day.
Cute -what an interesting story!
How cool. I think that is an awesome way to get married.
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